Cummings Kalterm 4 v4.1.2+ KG
his release is an update to Calterm 4 versions 4.0 and 4.1, and replaces Calterm III and CaltermX.
This build uses the latest PCLWrapper version and the latest PMD version
Change Requests Fixed:
2053334 Calterm4 issue during communication with NI CRPS
2089527 Need to be able to download various Product IDs to a module
2116541 Change Calterm UI to avoid dependency on the windows font size
2149331 Add support for address parameter in IDL logging.
2197514 Add support for resume capability for overlay to ECM in case of auto reconnect
2228397 Calterm fail to unlock the module under romboot secured mode
Defects Fixed:
1989874 Calterm shows failed to download calibration, but in actually calibration has been downloaded
2067856 Calterm4- Calibration Compare Inconsistencies
2089524 Unable to unlock CM2670 modules using Calterm 4
2111553 Tool unlock issue and calibration download failure on Calterm 4.1
2111596 Calterm 4 IDL logging with Key On mode is not working
2128869 Unable to download to CM2670 with Calterm 4
2146939 Error attempting while connecting module (ECM)
2150498 Calterm4 failed to download calibration
2153560 Not able to launch Calterm 4 successfully with protected license
2153895 Calterm 4 does not display return data from operation correctly
2153988 Unlock doesn't set 2350B to 1DOA
2168029 CaltermCLI Import functionality does not work
2168545 Calterm 4: ECM_Status displayed incorrectly in RomBoot mode
2203347 Recurring session access exception in Calterm when keyswitch in OFF position
2203356 IDL does not start on KeyOn mode
2210300 Calterm 4 cannot perform toggle security for gtis4 if ECM is in romboot mode
2230935 Product BJJ throws exception when attempting to do a structured assemble
2273266 Calterm 4 appends old extension onto cal file when doing a save as
2158509 Calterm4/CM3230- ByteSwap Issues When ECM3230 is in RomBoot